New book haul
Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,
As some of you may know, if you follow what goes on in my main blog, on Thursday I celebrated my 15th birthday. I was given quite a few books to read. The list goes like this:
As some of you may know, if you follow what goes on in my main blog, on Thursday I celebrated my 15th birthday. I was given quite a few books to read. The list goes like this:
- Let Sleeping Vets Lie by James Herriot
- It Shouldn't Happen To A Vet by James Herriot
- Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E.Frankel
- War Horse by Michael Morpurgo
- The Choice by Edith Eger
- The Homage To Catalonia by George Orwell
I'm really excited to read all the books but I'm most excited to read The Choice by Edith Eger because it's about a dancer who survived Auschwitz. She was sent there at the age of 16 and she was made to dance for the infamous Josef Mengele. Surprisingly, when the camp was liberated, she was pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive. This sounds like a truly inspirational story and I can't wait to read it.
I'm also excited to read Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankel. It shows his struggle for survival at Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. It suggests that if we find a meaning to survive, we'll most likely live. He found a meaning to survive the concentration camps and he did and that's what he believed got him through. This is a really interesting concept and I can't wait to read the book.
However, I haven't only been given "depressing" stories, I've also been given a couple light hearted stories. The James Herriot books should be the following memoirs to the one I'm currently reading which is All Things Bright and Beautiful. I'm really excited to read these books too because they're funny and I like reading what goes on in a Yorkshire country vet's life with bossy farmers and weird tales.
What books have you purchased recently? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!
See you next time,
XOX, Juliette
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