All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot, book review

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Over the month of July, I've been trying to finish reading All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot and it was only a few days ago that I managed to finish it, after a full day of reading! Haha. Just like his previous book, I really enjoyed reading this memoir. In comparison to the last book, you can tell that James has gained more of a reputation as a Yorkshire country vet in the Dales. I felt like, as farmers got to know him a little bit better, you could tell what their final opinions were of him and whether or not they liked him because some of the farmers could be a bit rude sometimes. You could also figure out what James's final opinions were of the farmers and whether or not he liked them. 

One time, James came back from a shift, all flustered and angry because a farmer was being quite ignorant of his work. Siegfried, his boss, told him to charge extra when the farmers are being mean. When him and James then went out on another shift to a farmer that was known to a have a terrible attitude, Siegfried increased the price from £1 to £10. At first, the farmer was outraged at them but then he gave them the check and Siegfried and James went off to the pub to celebrate. However, when they got there and got their drinks, they couldn't pay for it because Siegfried lost the cheque so James was ordered to go back to the farm and get another ten pound cheque. Despite this mishap, I think that this shows that James is gaining more experience then when he first started in his previous book. 

Another funny story was when James was called to a house to deliver puppies and when he checked the dog to see if she was ready to go into labour, he found that she wasn't ready. The owner insisted that he'd inject her with something that would induce her to go into labour. However, had he'd done it at that time, they'd be prone to a lot of risk because she was nowhere near ready. After some arguing about this and getting her name wrong a million times, James came back one day and saw that the dog had already gone into labour.  This was because Siegfried had injected the dog with that medicine. The owner was happy that he did that and wondered why James didn't. However, it turns out that Siegfried just came at the right time and when it was safe to inject the dog.

Overall, I thought the story was funny and upbeat, even though in the end he had to join the RAF and leave behind his pregnant wife Helen. I really enjoyed reading the little stories about the farmers and I enjoyed having a little insight into their lives. I am looking forward to reading his next books because I really want to know what happens next after the war.

Have you got any book recommendations? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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